I know this is a poem and I know this is Friday, but this hardly qualifies as a "Poetry Friday" post.
A few weeks ago when Tricia got her pet turtle, I had writen this poem and she requested I share. I waited to share because it was actually submitted. In light of the fact it was not chosen, I'm sharing! No critiques please and be aware it's for very young kids.
Also, if you want to see a really good poem posted, visit Kelly Herold's blog (Big A, little a -- there's a link at the left).
Sea Turtles
Tiny turtles
Three by three,
Trudge through sand
Toward sunlit sea.
Tiny turtles
Two by two,
Tumble in
The waves so blue.
Tiny turtles
One by one,
Time to swim
Life has begun!
Jim D
New Books? How About EIGHT?
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5 years ago